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My Fanart and Fancomics
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Registrado: 23 Feb 2022
Mensajes: 3184

MensajePublicado: 16/08/2024 13:34    Asunto: Responder citando

Siempre que veo buenos trabajos de lo que se denomina Fanart, me pregunto si el autor hará tambien personajes propios, desde luego en tu caso tienes todo el talento para deleitarnos con personajes de tu autoria ¿has publicado algo de personajes creados por ti?

Whenever I see good works of what is called Fanart, I wonder if the author will also make his own characters. Of course in your case you have all the talent to delight us with characters of your own.
Have you published anything about characters created by you?
“El simple observar requiere una claridad asombrosa; de lo contrario, no es posible observar”.

"Los programas de Iker Jimenez son un refugio de la libertad que nos quieren quitar" (Coronel Baños)
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Agente novato

Registrado: 12 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 63
Ubicación: United States

MensajePublicado: 16/08/2024 19:10    Asunto: Responder citando

Señor Ogro escribió:
¡Felicidades por este magnífico trabajo! Es una gran historia, has sabido desarrollar los personajes clásicos con tu propia perspectiva, y eso es algo que poca gente sabe hacer con tan buen resultado.

I always make sure I understand a character before I work on them cuz I want to make sure that I keep them true to how they are presented but at the same time adding something on there based on my research.
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Agente novato

Registrado: 12 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 63
Ubicación: United States

MensajePublicado: 16/08/2024 19:36    Asunto: Responder citando

cartoonfree escribió:
Siempre que veo buenos trabajos de lo que se denomina Fanart, me pregunto si el autor hará tambien personajes propios, desde luego en tu caso tienes todo el talento para deleitarnos con personajes de tu autoria ¿has publicado algo de personajes creados por ti?

Whenever I see good works of what is called Fanart, I wonder if the author will also make his own characters. Of course in your case you have all the talent to delight us with characters of your own.
Have you published anything about characters created by you?

I actually have made my own characters over the years and I do draw them a lot more.

I have been making comics of my original characters but I haven't published it as a book because most of them were either experiments, short panels or unfinished.

Last year I managed to finish a short story comic featuring two of my original characters (I've created a lot of characters) and then when that story was finished I made three more after that, although the first two are not work oriented and the third one is pretty safe.

I set them up as a comic drive on a donation site whenever the supporter leaves a tip and it when a certain goal is reached a page would get made and I would post it sometimes two page.

I'll post the safe ones on a new thread.
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Agente novato

Registrado: 12 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 63
Ubicación: United States

MensajePublicado: 22/08/2024 14:11    Asunto: Responder citando

After watching the Tadeo Jones 3 movie my mind got into wondering of another what-if scenario particularly with Tad what would have happened if he was the one to have gotten cursed and not Mummy, at the same time I was actually researching about spirits animals out of curiosity as to what my spirit animal would have been and then I came across the Jaguar and when I looked at the traits of the jaguar of spirit animal it perfectly fits Tad and Also the fact that one of his villains from the first movie is still technically alive there was a possibility of him coming back to exact revenge on Tad and that got my creative mind flowing with this idea.

What if Tad got cursed and turned into a jaguar how would he deal with that how did it happen and what would he do to lift a curse and thus the Jaguar trials was born at first it started out as a few images and then I got into doing a 10 page comic just to see how it would work in that format and it looked good.

Even Enrique Gato liked what I was doing with it I'm currently missing around with this idea mainly just drawing images as ideas, and right now I'm even working on an animatic on one of the trials he has to do but I don't know maybe it could work as a comic the only thing is I have do put this in complete comic form I would have to work on the beginning part.

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Linkin Boy
Aspirante a agente

Registrado: 17 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 26

MensajePublicado: 22/08/2024 17:14    Asunto: Responder citando

It's awesome!
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Artista Infiltrado

Registrado: 23 Feb 2022
Mensajes: 3184

MensajePublicado: 22/08/2024 21:02    Asunto: Responder citando

Muy buen repito:

tienes mucho talento .

Very good job...

I repeat: you have a lot of talent.
“El simple observar requiere una claridad asombrosa; de lo contrario, no es posible observar”.

"Los programas de Iker Jimenez son un refugio de la libertad que nos quieren quitar" (Coronel Baños)
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Señor Ogro

Registrado: 02 Ene 2005
Mensajes: 26878
Ubicación: El Jardín del Ogro

MensajePublicado: 22/08/2024 23:23    Asunto: Responder citando

Es un homenaje fantástico, no me extraña que le haya gustado a Enrique Gato. ¡Enhorabuena!
¿Otra vez esos galopines en mi jardín? ¡Por cien mil vacas marinas! ¡Os voy a hacer trocitos a la cazuela!
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Agente novato

Registrado: 12 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 63
Ubicación: United States

MensajePublicado: 24/08/2024 02:58    Asunto: Responder citando

Señor Ogro escribió:
Es un homenaje fantástico, no me extraña que le haya gustado a Enrique Gato. ¡Enhorabuena!

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Agente novato

Registrado: 12 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 63
Ubicación: United States

MensajePublicado: 19/10/2024 07:09    Asunto: Responder citando

More Goomer fanart Very Happy

I actually written a small fic to this drawing and I'm not much of a writer.

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Agente novato

Registrado: 12 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 63
Ubicación: United States

MensajePublicado: 19/10/2024 07:15    Asunto: Responder citando

This was from that one page comic gag about Goomer making up lies about why he has a sequence bra caught on his jacket.

And this idea popped into my head like and cartoon episode.

He starts telling stories about this criminal gangster.

His lie leads to a series of events that put him and his friends in danger.
Eventually, his friends barely manage to get him out of the situation and take him to the hospital.
There, he apologizes to all of them, especially Elma, whom he hurt the most with his lie.

When ever my brain runs with and idea I just have to draw it out.
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Agente novato

Registrado: 12 Ago 2024
Mensajes: 63
Ubicación: United States

MensajePublicado: 19/10/2024 07:18    Asunto: Responder citando

This one I just finished today.
From one of my favorite gags in the comic.

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